
ExamView software comes free with most textbooks. You can give tests, quizzes, reviews and much more using it. You can make multiple copies of a test, scramble the order and have them graded for you. You can password protect your assessments. You can also print detailed reports regarding passage rates and other analyses. There is so much you can do with ExamView! My classroom is a computer lab so I have an advantage but I really do believe that if you can sign up for a computer lab for testing, it is worth it. I have been using ExamView since I was an intern and can’t imagine using scantrons. ExamView makes giving assessments more efficient and it saves both time and paper!

Due to the content areas I teach, I don’t give many objective assessments, but when I do this is how I do it and I highly encourage others to do the same. Below is a link to my presentation from the Upstate Technology Conference.

ExamView Instructions and Tips